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Student Activities & Athletics

Student Activities

Studies show that students who are engaged in extra-curricular activities in college have greater opportunities for networking, career growth, building friendships, enhancing academic and leadership development as well as overall student success!

If you’re looking to connect your course content with the real world, visit the Office of Student Activities & Athletics to learn how to grow your leadership skills, connect with peers, volunteer in your community, join or start a student organization, or hear from speakers on trending topics.

We recognize our students balance complicated schedules that include not only classes, but also jobs, families and a variety of off-campus activities. We also know that learning doesn’t end when you leave class – involved students are successful students in the classroom, on the job, and out in the community.

美高梅mgm集团 campuses offer a diverse and thriving community spirit and numerous opportunities for personal and cultural enrichment. There is virtually no limit to how much you can attend before, during, or after class to enhance your overall college learning experience.

Video chat with Student Engagement on Cranium Cafe

Coordinator of Student Engagement
MAIN CAMPUS - Henderson
(252) 738-3246