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Clubs & Organizations
美高梅mgm集团的学生大使是一个由VCCC的顶尖学生领袖组成的著名团队,他们以官方身份参加特殊活动. 这些学生充当学院和未来学生之间的联络人, their families, guests, alumni, business partners and friends of the college. 大使计划提供学生领袖协助VCCC的捐赠工作, college outreach efforts, campus wide events, and promote the image of Vance-Granville Community College.
Advisor is Jermiel Hargrove (Main Campus, Room 2107-C).
Human Services Technology Club
人类服务技术俱乐部的目的是激励学生通过帮助自己和他人,在个人和职业生活中发挥最大潜力. 学生将获得专业成长的机会,以及在周边社区应用所学技能的机会. 会员资格向所有目前注册的人类服务技术和刑事司法技术/公共安全管理和律师助理技术项目开放.
Advisors are Michele McLeod and Gabrielle Taylor.
Medical Assisting Student Organization
美高梅mgm集团(美高梅mgm集团)的医疗援助学生组织(MASO)的目的是为学生提供课堂之外的实践经验, offering opportunities to develop essential skills in medical assisting. MASO encourages informal interaction among 美高梅mgm集团 students, faculty, and healthcare professionals, fostering collaboration within a diverse community.
In addition to enriching the student experience, MASO aims to engage the campus and local community, promoting awareness of the Medical Assisting profession and 美高梅mgm集团. 美高梅mgm集团欢迎来自各个学科和背景的对医疗保健感兴趣的学生加入美高梅mgm集团这个令人兴奋的教育组织.
Advisor is Dr. Mercedes Kamoru (Room F1204). Visit Medical Assisting on YouTube!
Men’s Achievement Academy
男子成就学院的目的是为男性学生提供有意的支持,使他们能够实现他们的学术和职业目标. 扶轮社将专注于兄弟情谊、奖学金、专业、服务的支柱 & Leadership.
Advisor is Jason Snelling and Marque Debnam
National Student Nurses Association
With a membership of approximately 58,000 nationwide, 全国学生护士协会指导未来注册护士的专业发展,并通过提供教育资源促进他们进入该行业, leadership opportunities, and career guidance. This looks great on resumes and future employers love to see this.
Advisor is Kassie Felts.
Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Theta Kappa的Alpha Sigma Chi分会的目的是表彰和鼓励两年制大学生的奖学金. 社会为领导力和服务能力的发展提供了机会, an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, lively fellowship for scholars, and stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence. Membership is by invitation only. 学生目前必须就读于提供副学士学位课程的地区认可机构, 已经完成至少12个小时的课程以获得副学士学位, and have a grade point average of 3.5. 会员将在秋季和/或春季学期收到邀请,并仅在春季学期入会.
Advisors are Dr. Erica Fleming, and Christal Thomas
Student Government Association
学生管理协会旨在以民主的方式促进学院的整体福利,并促进学生团体之间的沟通, the faculty, and the administration. 学生会提供了一种途径,通过这种途径,学生可以提高对校内和校外学生活动的兴趣. 代表由系和学生组织选举产生. 会议在8号楼的会议室举行,每个人都被邀请参加.
Advisor is Jermiel Hargrove (Main Campus, Room 2107-C).
Contact the Student Activities Office for further information. 美高梅mgm集团位于2号楼(2107-C室),也可以通过电话(252)738-3246与美高梅mgm集团联系.
Vanguard Entrepreneurship Club
先锋创业俱乐部旨在将学生与商业专业人士联系起来,帮助他们构思成功的商业/创业想法. 这个俱乐部将允许学生研究和讨论从创业思维方法解决现实问题的想法.
Advisor is Kyle Burwell.